Tuesday 19 November 2013

Today's South Africa

As I am about to leave the beautiful country that South Africa has been to me with great sadness, I wanted to write this last post to keep a little part of the country with me for right now.

The People
After Nelson Mandela's gain of power in 1994, the country has experienced an enormous transformation and only for the better. Apartheid and racism is no longer a part of everyday life in the country and people of all colors live together in peace. People are mostly positive and VERY friendly and warm and I'm going to miss them immensely.

South African music is a mix of pretty much every country and/or tribe that has set foot on the land. Music does definitely surround everyday life, you will see more than one street musicians playing outside on a busy Cape Town street. The music is mostly dominated by drums, influenced by jazz and gospel.  

Dance in South Africa is very expressive with a lot of intense movements. It is heavily influenced by old tribal ritual dances.

When it comes to religion the number of South Africans who consider themselves religious has decreased from 83% of the population in 2005 to 64% of the population in 2012. Christianity is the most common religion with 73% considering themselves Christian in 2007. 

Even while in such big global economy crisis, South Africa has managed to stay on his feet. And that with the help of it's political stability, well capitalized banking system and abundant natural resources just to name a few factors. It seems as though the country's economy is only getting better with a growth of 2,7 % this year and it is projected to be at 3,5 in 2014 and 3,8 in 2015.

Now that I am at the end of my trip I can finally estimate my budget.
 4110 (plane)
 4829 (hotel)
   530 (reserve)
+ 530 (safari)
     90 (Mandela cell)
   300 (for utilities throughout the 2 weeks)
   350 (toys, things I have bought, souvenirs)
10739 kr
^ and worth every penny! I would pay even more for all the amazing experiences and all the beautiful friends I have made here. Thank you South Africa, I'll be back!

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