Tuesday 19 November 2013


Hello! I am back with an update, and I am so excited!
I haven't really been doing many ordinary things lately. In the past week I went on a little safari, went to a Wildlife reserve and to Robben island!

One of the main reason for my traveling all the way to South Africa is for me to see some unusual animals in which I have always been interested, but never gotten the chance to experience first hand. I especially love giraffes, so you could only imagine how anxious I was when I got to SA. The absolutely first thing I wanted to do was visit the animals. So I decided to take a trip to Sanbona Wildlife Reserve. It's a 2,5 h drive from Cape Town. There is saw some of my beloved giraffes as well as cheetahs, lions and zebras.

Later on in the week I went on an actual safari where we actually road our own ATV's. That is where I saw all of "The big five". (On this trip I made a good friend by the name of Johnny, who was very helpful and with whom I made a deal to meet again. I asked him if he wanted to show me around later on, since he lives in Cape Town as well.)

The view from our drive
Prices for both of these trips were around 530 for each and that included food and drinks.

Next on my agenda for the week was a trip to Robben Island, the former penal colony where Nelson Mandela spent 18 years of his life. Nelson Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist who was put in prison for his work to end racism in SA. In 1964 he was jailed and spent 27 years behind the bars, 18 of which at Robben Island. After being released from prison in 1991 he turned to politics and became the first democratically chosen president of South Africa. He was also the first black president. Nelson Mandela is a hugely iconic figure for S. Africans, so I was more than strongly advised to visit Robben Island and his cell.                                             Fil:SafrikaIMG 8414.JPG
Fil:Nelson Mandela's prison cell, Robben Island, South Africa.jpg
Mandela's cell
(Price for the trip to Robben Island is R150 which translates to 90kr, which is just about dirt-cheap and worth going there 3 times...)

Thank you for reading, talk to you soon!

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