Sunday 10 November 2013

My Journey to South Africa pt. I

I am about to leave for South Africa in about 4 hours and I just realized, I have not packed any diaries or notebooks with me. This seems really stupid as this journey is one of the most exciting things that I have ever done. However, I do have my laptop with me so I thought, "Why not just create a blog and use that as a diary and write down my experiences?" And that is exactly what I am doing.

I am going to South Africa all alone. The journey is my early birthday present from me. It is also a personal dare towards myself as lately I have felt like I was stuck in a bit of a rut. South Africa has always been number one on my dream destinations list and that is why I chose to go there.

I realize that traveling alone will be hard, something that will make it easier is the fact that South Africa is an English speaking country. This makes me more comfortable and less scared leaving home.

To give some background history the Dutch settled into South Africa in 1652 later on in 1815 after the Napoleonic wars the British took over the country and colonized it. There were a lot of wars happening between the white settlers and the black natives until 1910 when South Africa became a union, a coalition between the English and Afrikaner states. In 1960 the country became independent from English rule and got a status as a republic. But that wasn't the end of hardships for the blacks as Apartheid was a big factor in their lives. And it was that way until Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990. Since then South Africa has experienced an enormous transformation. But I'll tell you more about that later. Now I have to get going.

Talk to you in South Africa!


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